PMO Case Study Basic Course 5PDU (English ver.) is now available.

In this elearning course, you will learn the fundamental skills and knowledge necessary in project management. While being based on the PMBOK®Guide, a wealth of issues and problems that are likely to occur in real projects are also presented, making the course learning contents
practical, and closely aligned with that of an actual work environment. The case studies are based on our PMO service experience in Japan. Additionally, exercises are prepared at the end of each chapter, optimal for checking understanding of the material.
You can earn 5PDUs by completing the course. (We will send you PDU certification within 7 business days after completing the course.)

【Course Goals】
Attain the fundamental skills and knowledge to drive project management
Attain practical skills applicable in real projects, with a base in the management process and knowledge presented in the PMBOK®Guide.

【Target Learners (Recommended tothese people)】
People with little to no experience in project management
People who want to learn project management from the ground up
People who have been managing freeform, and want to re-learn the basics.
People who want to go beyond comprehension, and learn real, applicable methods of project management.
People who want to learn a project management case in Japan.

Course Fee : 5,000yen (Tax excluded)
Course Registration : here *Click at the end of the page.

After payment, you can start your study in no time.



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